Hotel Belleview Nagasaki-Dejima

Booking & Enquiry


Experience a safe, hygenic and exciting breakfast


Buffet style breakfast


[Opening hours] 6:30~9:30

[Rate] Adult:1,500JPY(6~12yrs child:750JPY)

※Prices are tax included


a safe, hygenic and exciting breakfast

The restaurant of Hotel Belleview Nagasaki Dejima, "Dejima Kitchen Clover" strives to provide customers with a safe, hygienic and exciting breakfast experience. Especially in the current days of the ongoing pandemic.
It all starts by designing an environment that breakfast can be served safely (with an emphasis on preventing the spread of infectious germs), but without the feeling of restrictions and suffocation at the same time. After all, breakfast should be a main source of energy for the day. It should be enjoyed with a sense of excitement and light heartedness, which resulted to our concept theme of "Dejima Picnic".
We hope that our guests can enjoy their breakfast with a feeling of taking casual stroll in Dejima, a historical heritage of Nagasaki, with a unique Chinese and Western infused Japanese culture under the warm day sun.



Precausions taken from the beginning


Easily packable items
All menu items can be easily packed to be enjoyed in room if prefered.


Individual servings
For hygenic purposes, and for SDGs goal 12.3(food loss), all items are individually packed.


Shielded food counter
food counters are shielded from direct splashing dropplets.


Anti-virus air purifier
The restaurant is fitted with an anti-virus air purifier system.


Caution to guests with food allergies

Food items prepared in the restaurants and kitchens of this hotel may include (or indirectly be in contact with, but not limited to) the ingredients listed below that could cause allergic reactions.

Allergy specific ingredients:
[Egg] [Wheat] [Shrimp] [Milk] [Shellfish] [Buckwheat] [Peanuts]